(A) There record of only 7 wins is awful to say the least,had they not won 2 vs BC this record would be more dreadful and the kicker NO WIN's on Home Ice...they have Neutral Ice wins in Kansas City(Army),Florida(UMD,Cornell)...home away from home in Portland(Mercyhurst)...and 3 wins in Hockey East away games(1@UML--
2@BC)...as far as Quinnipiac,I am hard on them,not that they are not having a excellant season...plus a opening win @ Maine,but until they Win in their Conference Playoff games and go to the NCAA's and at least win one game then I still think there suspect,plus the ECAC factor...but FWIW I think that Quinnipiac should have been the team added to Hockey East instead of UCONN,why...they have a New Building in place/Hockey would be more or less the only game in town...similiar to Maine in yesteryears...UCONN Hockey is 4th on the ladder rung,Mens/Womens B-Ball and the FB program will get all the attention and upgrades while the Hockey Team plays in a less then stellar rink,which they have said they would replace down the line(so figure 3-5 yrs from now)..so thats why...may or may not answer all your Q's...!