Re: LSSU Hockey 2011-2012
Perhaps it was my choice of words (lease vs leash), but if I understand you correctly, I think we're both saying a hockey oriented AD might be inclined to cut Roque loose more quickly based upon team performance than a non-hockey oriented AD like Dunbar. Or maybe we're not saying the same thing. I'm a bit confused by your post. In one sentence you say you think a non-hockey AD would have him on a shorter leash, and the next sentence you say you think a hockey AD would have a quicker trigger. Isn't Roque on only a one year contract extension? He may be unhappy about that, which may have contributed to his applying for the Clarkson job last Summer. Assuming it is a one year contract, I wonder if there are any performance goals in it that the team needs to meet (e.g. Get to the Joe and/or the NCAA tournament) in order for Roque to keep his job?RE: Roque and AD Dunbar . . . good question. I don't have an answer. Like I said, Dunbar wants whats best for LSSU. My first blush thoughts are perhaps opposite of what you might think. I tend to think Roque would be on a shorter leash with a non-hockey AD -- because the non-hockey AD is free to look only at results: Wins, Losses, attendance, grade point averages. A hockey-immersed AD might have a quicker trigger because he/she might think they know better than the coach vis-a-vis lineup choices, strategy choices, recruiting choices, practice choices, etc . . . .
The non-hockey trained AD would tend to defer to the coach on all those matters, and instead focus on the bottom line.
And based on the contracts and relationship, it appears Dunbar is satisfied, if not 100% pleased, with Roque's work over the past two years.
The team is winning, its well behaved, and it represents the University in a good light on the road and in the community.