Well, to back up my earlier post, here is why I hate the LLWS and why others give it way, WAY too much credit...
Reason 1: These "All-Star" teams are basically a lie... LL likes to play the "Anyone can make it" card... Not a chance! Most of them play together as full time travel teams outside of their "LL District" or whatever the basic zone/division is called... Sure, the kids show up for their required league games and then attend the "All Star Tryouts" that LL requires... But everything after that is pretty much set in stone before these events... These teams are put together when the kids are 8 or 9 and are polished each season until they are 12 year olds... Very few additions are made from the original core team usually... Sure, a better player might come along, but for the most part, if you aren't the "best of the best" by the time you are 9 or 10, say goodbye to hopes of playing in Williamsport...
Reason 2: These kids aren't even playing real baseball.... For the most part, the little league game is a shell of what baseball really is... For the most part, across the country at 12 years old, kids are playing full on baseball... They play on bigger diamonds (70' bases, 50' mound) with dropped 3rd strike, stealing, lead offs, balks, and "real" strategy.... The game in Williamsport is a step back from what these kids are playing in every other tournament they enter (cause remember, all these teams are full time travel teams)... They are forced to swing tiny, detuned bats as well... Again, for pretty much every kid in the US, the LL 2 1/4 inch barrel bats that LL requires are ditched by the time the kid is 10 unless they are small for their age... From age 10 and beyond, these kids are swinging full bore with a 2 5/8s inch barrel, same as HS and College... The tiny field and ubsurd rules passed these kids up many moons ago... This isn't 1970 anymore... The kids are bigger, stronger, and faster.... Let them play the real game...
Reason 3: LL somehow seems to not mention that they have just as much BS in their regional tournaments as evil travel baseball does... A team coming up to bat, trailing, in the bottom of the last inning... Seems like the kids should hit away, right? Not in LL! The past 3 years have seen numerous instances where teams have intentionally lost games because they knew the other team would lose upon protest... Things like not getting a kid an at-bat, or not having him play the field enough... The team would just go up, swing at anything, and lose after the 9 pitches... Daddy coach then runs to the tournament director and protests... Other team forefits and losing team advances... Seems like some pretty foul smelling BS to me...
Reason 4: Again, more parents here: So LL is all about protecting the kids, right? Well, why exactly do the kids need protecting? Oh yea: PARENTS! Let's look at the reason we have exact pitch count rules: Daddy Coach will come in and make Johnny throw till his arm falls off.... No 12 year old should have a full arsenal of 6-7 pitches... There is a reason why more and more teens are getting Tommy John surgery among other throwing related fixes... Here's an idea" Don't have Johnny throw a curveball every time he gets 2 strikes on a hitter... Or better yet, don't have Daddy Coach calling pitches at all... Just let the kids throw... At 12 years old, the catcher shouldn't have to wear an Under Armour sleeve with a full on pitching playbook in it... If he can't remember the 29 different signals you have for pitches/location, then don't friggin have that many calls!
Each reason I listed is a direct contradiction to what LL shows themselves to stand for during the LLWS... Yet the parents, players, and others associated with these teams flaunt it... The big thing is the travel teams and the game itself... Just admit that you are using a game that is outdated by 30+ years, and most of the beef I have goes away.... Travel baseball is part of reality, despite your best efforts... It's not something evil like you make it out to be... Just admit that is where you pull your best talent from there, and I will forgive you...