Excuse #1?
Car keys and cell phones should be taken when drinking
I am with Derek on this one, people (aside from Adrian followers and lovers) have been waiting for 3 years now to see where they stack up against some of the best teams in the country. Webb may be a Hamlin lover, supporter, advocater whatever but not too many people know who Hamlin is...until this year..and even then I couldn't tell you where on a map Hamlin is, other then they play at Drake arena.
On the other hand Oswego is a perenial top team. (Please NL don't go off on the top/good/average team thing here). If you honestly think Adrian won't be pumped to play the #1 team in the nation (never been done)...heck they've never played a top 10 team until Hamlin (and I'm still not sold on Hamlin)..then you need to have your noggin checked.
This IS Adrians biggest game in their history period. IF, BIG IF, they win it will open eyes to a lot of people, including those who make selections. Now that doesn't mean they are a shoe in if they win, but it sure makes Hamlin's wins look bigger in the overall picture. Sure in the end the wins and loses between the two are just fodder, but for 3 years now its been back and forth..Adrian doesn't get in because they don't play anyone, Adrian doesn't get in because no one will play Adrian....its put up or shut up time now. If you don't want to see it that way, then you must be looking for an excuse when they lose.