As a critical, non-sheep thinker, your thoughts on the following:
This is usually the lead-in to 'Watcher taking me to task for getting a little too far out over my skis ...
First, it talks about outdoor mask useage (and concludes it did not reduce positivity by more than 50%.) Are you dismissing that positive response?
The report almost seems to dismiss any of its "findings" as inconclusive - both ways. Which kind of tells its own tale, no?
Second, it is consistent with the overall view that outdoor transmission is very small. Your argument seemed to be on all mask wearing, not just outdoor ones.
I guess my point is, this study is pretty much the only widespread study of its kind (or at least the only one that's been made public), and overall it's inconclusive as to whether there is any benefit to using masks. You would think the CDC - which has been all over the map on mask usage, literally from "don't bother, they aren't helpful" to "you probably should wear at least two, maybe three masks at a time" - would have spent some of its infinite time and resources on this great public health issue of our times, 'cuz it's kind of important to everyday folks, no?
I think we both know the answer to that. There was a plan, this was part of it, and it "worked". Unfortunately, now the rest of us have to live through a four year tape loop of "Weekend at Biden's" (see below).
But all of that said, what is the harm of wearing a mask, if it might have a positive impact? It seems like a really minor inconvenience. Unless one views it as a necessary political statement, at which point I would ask myself, what am I really trying to prove?
OK so let me ask you this ...
who gets to determine what constitutes a "minor inconvenience"? Let's say someone decides in their SJW Eagle Scout project that rubber soled sneakers/shoes are "bad" 'cuz they use rubber from the rainforest, and they take forever to biodegrade. So no more rubber soled footwear. Alternatives? Bare feet, leather soles, canvas soles, who-knows-what soles, 3 pairs of socks, etc. Just a mere "
minor inconvenience", and it
might have a positive impact, right?? All for the common good, "save the whales", etc.???
Are you comfortable handing off your personal liberties like they're fashion accessories? I'm not.
I don't wear a mask outside. Period. Neither do most of the folks I know. If you want to and do, knock yourself out. It's a free country (or at least it used to be). Indoors, if I want to be there and I have to wear a mask, I will. There are places I can be/go to indoors that don't require a mask, and I appreciate them respecting my adulthood and giving me the choice. There are other places who got all preachy with mask virtue-signaling/"shaming", and I won't ever go back to those places.
I miss our little chats, but I like the hockey stuff WAY better. Have a great weekend.