Just waking up after a long drive and witnessing the National Championship! Congrats to Coach Taylor, Will Crane on the game winner and Damon Beaver for SAVING the season!
"Raise the ORANGE and PURPLE high, let us shame them never. SHOUT the Triumph to the skies, HIP HOBART FOREVER! "
Have made the drive from the Capital District to both Hobart and Beverly for football multiple times in the past. Two of the nicest towns there are to take a day trip to but, quite frankly, two of America's most boring drives imaginable. Hobart should reward anyone who combined both of them in one sitting with a championship ring of their very own!!!
The Hobart players reaction to the OT game winner has to be one of the weirdest thing I ever saw in my almost six decades of watching college hockey. They did not pour off the bench to charge and mob the goal scorer. In fact, they appeared to virtually ignore him!!! They all stormed to the goaltender at the other end of the ice!!! Must tell you what they think of the guy.
However, just one tidbit of caution. Just stop to enjoy and appreciate the moment instead of taking it for granted and assuming it will always be like this. It will most definitely not be!!! That was a mistake most of us made 38 years ago driving home from Detroit after watching RPI win their natty in 1985. Back then it was D1 guys with eligibility remaining (a future Hall of Famer and a 15 year NHL goalie) defecting to the pros. Add in a then well documented coaching departure and we have NEVER even been close again. Just three one and dones in the NCAA tournament in the almost four decades since getting shut out all three times!!! Also remember that Union also won a national championship in the mid 2010's. Less than a decade later they are just as irrelevant as RPI drawing even less customers per game than the 2,200 or so RPI is down to.
In more modern times the culprit may very well be the infamous transfer portal. A number of the talented skaters, especially the bigger one, may give it a whirl to see if there any full schollys for them. Don't be shocked if you lose some to bigger cities, more glamorous arenas and just plain and simple more money. Frankly, the goalie appears to be a foregone conclusion to me. There just are not 125 or so guys getting full or partial schollys that are better than this guy. The Capital District has four of them that I am most familiar with and your guy can replace all of them tomorrow!!! In addition, as of today the coach probably has far more lucrative financially options. Some of the D1 jobs pay over a million annually!!!
Sure hope that not enough of the above actually happens and that our Liberty League friends to the west can keep this run going for awhile. However, I suspect that at least some torpedos will be incoming.
Nonetheless, should I make the RPI at Hobart football game on November 4, I do hope that Hobart hockey has one of those 4 P.M. Saturday home games so I check out the "ambiance" at the Cooler before driving home. Hopefully the hockey team will still be very, very good.