Re: Health Care Reform - 1/6 of the Economy Up for Grabs
Sure, we could. But the solution has been/is much worse than the problem ever was.
could you both be right?
start with a system that won't allow 'bad' teachers to be addressed...suffer decade after decade of declining performance in the classroom (not due to bad teachers alone) and then try to figure out how to fix it...since you can't change the bad teacher protection program you try to figure out how to get scores up (scores, as flawed as they are, are the only measure people can agree upon)...the only way to do that is to put teeth behind it...since it is a government entity it consumes money at an alarming pace and everybody wants to protect the number of bodies since that justifies administrator ratios you threaten to cut funding if test scores they invent the block system where certain subjects are only taught for half a year (the half leading up to the test on that subject) but are taught for a disproportionate length to cram stuff into heads so it can be regurgitated in 4 hours on a Tuesday afternoon.
Sure, we could. But the solution has been/is much worse than the problem ever was.