M-A-I-N-E, GooOOO, Blue!
Re: HEA QF's: #5 'Mack @ #4 Maine
I've appreciated your thoughtful, reasoned, insightful posts. I haven't agreed with everything you've said, but then we sit on opposite sides of the fence. On the Abbott embellishment you must have been in Alfond. Sitting at home, I had the benefit of replay. After replay, after replay. Spence was hacked at by the first winger lined up with him before the center got thrown out. He then came over and poked Abbott's right skate out to the right, then swept Abbott's left skate out from under him. Abbott never reacted. He didn't so much as look over after his right foot was poked. He may as well have been a statue. But if I had been watching it in real time from the Merrimack section, I, too, would have assumed the two were jostling, since that is usually what is going on. In this case, however, Abbott had his stick on the ice and didn't even move it.The Abbott one I didn't get a great look at, looked like they were jousting and he went down. Tough to tell.