Just a few thoughts after reading through the thread (Might be a bit long, bear with me).......
I respect the fact that Maine has a huge fun base with diehards of all ages, understandable with the limited local sports options. However, after sitting in a Maine fan section for Games 1 and 2, it felt like Alfond is Montreal South. The constant whining and booing of the refs after every call that doesn't go Maine's way, literally booing the refs at every available moment, 3 or 4 embelleshment calls (the fans loved that). On the matching penalties, the fans would go bonkers when the MC guys would skate into the box, but then go ballistic when the Maine guy follows. It's a pushing match, you're guy was involved too, don't be so shocked, HEA refs do it all the time. Cheering for Cannata being down, claiming he was embellishing, is just idiotic, if you think he wasn't actually hurt then you need to take the blue, light blue, and white sunglasses off.
It's pretty bad when you have grown men and women having a complete nutty after every check or collision, slamming the glass around the arena. I think what the students do before the period with the Enzyte music and the ref doll is pretty hilarious, that's in good fun. But when you have a guy yelling at Benedetto, telling him that he has a shotgun in his truck and asking him if he wants to see it (how's that for a family atmosphere????), that's pretty crazy (I know it's one person). I had a guy put his elbow right in my face after a clean hip check along the boards, claiming the MC player elbowed the Maine player after the hip check along the boards. I know Maine people will say it's isolated, and maybe it is, that's just the impression I got from my section. It's the insufferable honkyness of some of the fans that gets me. Just sit down and watch the hockey game, get excited when good plays happen, feel free to question things and be vocal, but don't make a spectacle on every single questionable/borderline incident.
Pretty hypocritical Alfond staff, where they ban the MC fans from bringing in the drum, but a whole section of Maine fans can have these obnoxious party horns that add nothing to the experience and just **** off a lot of people, mostly Maine fans.
The Swavely hit on Bates was blindside in the head. Anybody who claims to know whether it was intentional or not is a joke, you have no idea, so just stop. It's clearly a type of hit that is being taken out of the game at all levels, regardless of intent or where the victim is positioned. The latest rule changes put a ton of new language stating that it's the checking player's responsibility to avoid the head. I thought the league could have disciplined it, but I guess Whitehead doing it was good enough.
Maine's forechecking pressure in games 1 and 3 were the difference from what I could tell. Merrimack had no speed through the neutral zone and it hurt them. The few times that Toomey skated it through, the Maine defense had a lot of trouble and MC got to the net for some chances. I though Sullivan left a ton of rebounds that MC just couldn't take advantage of in 1 and 3.
By the letter of the law Diamond should have gotten a DQ for the facemasking, at least the first one. Rule book clearly states if you grab with 2 hands and tug on the facemask, which he did, he nearly pulled Bly's helmet off his head right in front of the ref, then you get a DQ. There are levels to the facemasking which are stated, but that one could have easily been the DQ version IMO.
All in all, thought it was a good effort from MC, just couldn't generate enough chances. It looks like we have to root for Maine now. They'll need to improve the 2 GPG from this weekend if they want to beat BU.