That was some speech between periods
Truly mind blowing that TIMMAY hasn't taken the "C" off of Diamond's sweater.
Nerve-wracking game up until the last bit of the 2nd when Wilson's goal shifted momentum and the real Lowell team showed up. Good to see Diamond still up to his tricks too, nothing ever changes.
And to the Maine fan in Section 107, nice threatening one of our fans in our own building, climbing up a row to get in his face. Too bad you were losing and didn't like us cheering in our OWN rink in our OWN home section. Maybe tomorrow night you and your friends shouldn't buy tickets in the HOME section and instead go over in the corner where the AWAY fans were sitting. Lot of balls to threaten a fan in their own rink. Hope you had fun tonight.
I gotta say that some of the idiocy coming out of a lot of the mouths of the 40 and 50 year old lowell fans (in section 107) should make the entire fan base ashamed.
I know that at Alfond, we would have told them that it makes Maine fans look bad to keep asking why that was icing and why wasn't that interference, and why (when Lowell steps on a Maine stick) that isn't tripping and on and on and on.
oh and to have the 50 year olds screaming at the Maine players "you suck", over and over... really?
I did not see anyone get into anyone else's face, but I can understand that the taunting gets to be a little bit much... I mean your fans COULD act like your team has won an important game before. (hey section 113, I'm looking at you.. hey section 113, you.. yeah you... hah hah... hey section 113 that crap got old pretty quick, too)....
note to UML.. if you are gonna sing the national anthem, learn the words, that was also embarrassing
you guys are not UMass fans, but a lot of your fans seemed to want to be classed with theirs
If you had your own fans, they'd buy the tickets instead of us.
Also, your ticket Web site defaulted to behind the benches all week. There's no way to choose sections. Maybe upgrade that too instead of complaining about where the people actually buying tickets sit.