by all measures, you are a friend of mine.
But- that's like saying that Red Sox fans deserved more than Cubs fans, since they were "closer" a few times in the almost century that they didn't win.
Quite the contrary, to me- Cubs fans get a lot more feeling from me, since they don't complain 1% of Red Sox fans do, and their losing streak is longer, and always has been. Even the reaction to the foul ball has been a minor fraction to Billy Buckner (I can say it, since I don't like the sox).
Much like here- Tech fans have been losers a lot longer than Lowell.
the only thin UML has going for it is that before Tech started to suck...., well, badly.... they won a couple of national championships. So even if you go by the measure of sucess, Tech has it over UML, since they've been to the promise land. It's just been a while. A LONG while.