Black Bear since D-2
As I've recently pointed out, anyone who has paid attention for the past decade can easily establish that modern American "centrists/moderates" are just the few remaining conservatives whose views on LGBT, immigrants, and minorities are a bit less extreme than their neighbors'. They're already voting conservative 8 or 9 times out of 10, they just don't want to admit it outside of their bubble.
Huh? You may have noticed that Biden was elected as a Centrist.
Do you really think he had the conservative vote? Please.
He pledged to add a woman of color to his ticket, just because... Had he pledged to select an old white man before the fact, what would have been the difference, in terms of bias? (You would have howled, anyway, I'm quite sure.)
I won't go with Kepler-style 4th-grade- level insults, but bigots are bigots, on either side of the aisle, and what you say is clearly BS, inaccurate, and unfair.