Re: Ford field attendance
I've been to Detroit for the CCHA championships and to go to a Tigers game and have had fun every single time.
The People Mover will get you around to a decent amount of downtown without needing a car.
We've had to walk back after the people mover stopped and had no problems. Whether or not you 'feel' it is safe is a personal thing.
Either way the city will continue to get bashed, but if you go into it with a decent attitude, you are much more likely to enjoy yourself.
My philosophy when being in the D is "DON'T BE STUPID." In every city you have to keep your wits about you, and if you don't do anything to provoke anyone you will be fine.
I'm from the Detroit area, and have spent a lot of time downtown and even venturing out to where my dad lived off of 6 mile and visited family that still lives in the city close to 8 mile. I have NEVER had a problem in the city. All you trolls out there sound like people from west of Ann Arbor "If you go to Detroit, you're going to get shot/mugged/etc." It's really getting old.
If you're looking for stuff to do, there are museums downtown (art museum, Detroit Science Museum), the original Motown studios on W. Grand Blvd., Henry Ford Museu and Greenfield Village in Dearborn (15 minute drive), among other interesting sites. I personally like just wandering around and looking at the historic buildings downtown.
There are plenty of places to eat mostly located in greektown, but there are others up Woodward. If microbrews are your thing, there are a few located downtown.
I agree that Ford Field isn't the greatest place to watch a hockey game, but if I can make the 8 hour trek down, I will. I love going to Detroit.