Re: Fighting Sioux to fight on...For one more year at least.
I wish to address three points made by uaafanblog
Excellent ...
On the first page you say that UND should do what the NCAA says and if not they can leave. If the NCAA eliminated the Alaska/Hawaii rule and every team stopped scheduling you, I think you would be saying that maybe the NCAA monopoly isn't such a good thing.
Did I say the NCAA is a good thing? No.
Second. What about UAA? The seawolf is taken from American Indian culture as well, do they have permission to use it? Is it not hostile and abusive?
First; using a facet of a local indigenous culture versus calling themselves the Fighting Dena'ina is the difference. It is the adjective that is the primary problem here. An example: Anchorage's newest convention center is called The Dena'ina Civic and Convention Center .... not The Drunken Dena'ina Civic and Convention Center.
Adopting a symbol (and quite frankly .. the Seawolf is actually a fairly obscure myth in Dena'ina culture) from a culture versus uses a decapitated head as a symbol are completely different things.
The adjective "Fighting" is the STEREOTYPE. Please don't make me explain how stereotyping affects races of people. Again, the Sioux (Lakota, Dakota, Santee or any other extraction) were not a warlike people or even WARRIORS. Within any group there were certainly men who's job it was to protect and/or fight when necessary. But that was far less important to their culture than it is for .. um ... AMERICA who has been at war somewhere for easily half of it's existence as a nation.
Third. No Eithiopia did not invade Ireland and repress them for 500 years. The British did. It seems you have a fair amount of knowledge on the history of the United States, but before you dismiss other peoples repression as "not so bad" pick up a book and see for yourself.
I thought my Ethiopian invasion of Ireland remark was as obvious a piece of sarcasm as I've ever written on any public forum. I made it as exposition of one thing ... The Irish were not some existing indigenous tribe invaded, defeated and repressed by some foreign racial group.
cross cheque said:
How much of your personal income and time do you dedicate towards native american's psychological and economic reparations? You must have at least two Inuit families living with you in Anchorage, right? Supporting them until they get back on their feet?
And here we get a pretty good example of stereotyping. Can anyone else identify it? OK OK .. I'll just tell you. Believing that somehow native peoples of Alaska cannot be self-sufficient in modern culture and require the help of gracious white people ...
Alaskan aboriginal people were somewhat lucky in that the same sort of invasion, defeat and repression didn't occur on anywhere near the same level as it did in the west. Slightly more progressive attitudes ruled the day by the time we white people got up here in significant enough numbers. That said, they have been and continue to be subjected to isolated acts of racism and stereotyping.