Re: Fear Not America, Janet Napolitano Is On The Job
you want to know why our system isn't safe? You really want to know? As an airline pilot, I think I know.
It's all of you. Look in the mirror. Every single one of you is the reason that our system is flawed. And don't say "oh, it's not me". It is. Because none of you want a better system. Oh you want it for sure. But none of you want to pay for it. None of you want to take the time that is necessary to ensure safety.
If you TRULY wanted safer systems in place, you'd be all in favor of racial profiling. Why? Because it's not the Lutherans, Catholics, Jews, hell, even the Mormons trying to bring down our airplanes. It's the *king Muslims. And don't feed me the "oh, it's only a few extremists." It's Muslims. End of story. Yes, there are good Muslims. Most, in fact. But because a few have decided to take up this jihad against all of us, we need to profile every single Muslim.
Be willing to show up 3+ hours to the airport so your *t can be thoroughly checked. TSA is a joke. It needs to go. I'm aware of this and fully accepting of this. When I am screened just like the rest of you peons, we have a problem. Sure we trust you at the controls of an airplane, but make sure you take your shoes off before you go through the detector, even though they don't beep. Give me a *king break.
TSA needs to go and be replaced by the military. You ever travel overseas? They have guys with M-16's in the airports! I hear in Israel there's Israeli Army personnel all over the airport checking bags and people randomly. We need this in American airports.
And none of you are willing to pay for it. None of you. You are all too worried about "hurting someone's feelings" or the extra 4 bucks on your ticket. You want the change? You want to feel safer? Speak the *k up.
you want to know why our system isn't safe? You really want to know? As an airline pilot, I think I know.
It's all of you. Look in the mirror. Every single one of you is the reason that our system is flawed. And don't say "oh, it's not me". It is. Because none of you want a better system. Oh you want it for sure. But none of you want to pay for it. None of you want to take the time that is necessary to ensure safety.
If you TRULY wanted safer systems in place, you'd be all in favor of racial profiling. Why? Because it's not the Lutherans, Catholics, Jews, hell, even the Mormons trying to bring down our airplanes. It's the *king Muslims. And don't feed me the "oh, it's only a few extremists." It's Muslims. End of story. Yes, there are good Muslims. Most, in fact. But because a few have decided to take up this jihad against all of us, we need to profile every single Muslim.
Be willing to show up 3+ hours to the airport so your *t can be thoroughly checked. TSA is a joke. It needs to go. I'm aware of this and fully accepting of this. When I am screened just like the rest of you peons, we have a problem. Sure we trust you at the controls of an airplane, but make sure you take your shoes off before you go through the detector, even though they don't beep. Give me a *king break.

TSA needs to go and be replaced by the military. You ever travel overseas? They have guys with M-16's in the airports! I hear in Israel there's Israeli Army personnel all over the airport checking bags and people randomly. We need this in American airports.
And none of you are willing to pay for it. None of you. You are all too worried about "hurting someone's feelings" or the extra 4 bucks on your ticket. You want the change? You want to feel safer? Speak the *k up.