A. How and the HELL do they stick it to people with the disability claims? Please let me know. Not to many jobs I know you can get punched in the face (except MMA and Boxing) by someone, cut, stabbed, kicked, spit on, thrown on (you know the poo, pee, and semen in a cup concoction) and nothing happens. So please tell me. Do you think those "disability claims" are not warranted? I don�t know, but the last one I know of was in a brawl and messed up her (yes HER) back defending another officer from a mental health patient (who are not fun to wrestle with). I myself was on the job a whole 4 months when I was out on comp for 4 weeks with a BROKEN HAND. Sometimes it�s NOT the CO's either, take that up with Albany. Several CO's would love to work, but are told they can't by the state.
B. Punch out by 45? Ummm no, the earliest you could is 46, but most do not get in at 21 anymore. You have to be in 25 years. Now with the new tier 6 most guys will have to stay in a lot longer thanks to Little Andy. For putting up with what we do, I'd say you're claims are WAY off. But what do you expect from Joy Public who have never set foot beyond gate 1.
C. Not smart enough? Really...hmm I guess that says something about your local teachers because I know several who left their teaching jobs to become CO's. New York State is one of the top Correctional Departments WORLD WIDE in its training. With the training we receive we can walk into SEVERAL other jobs at a much higher rank.
How about you go after the NYS liberals who let the cons get away with so much then those who watch them? How much money was just spent because we changed our name to Department of Correctional and Community Supervision Services on ALL letterhead? The fact we had to change from calling them �inmates� to offenders on ALL documents? The fact NYS just spend 10�s of millions of dollars building a new Regional Mental Health Unit complete with Air Conditioning and insulated heated floors, 50� flat screen TV�s, and the most high tech unit in New York State for the worst of the worst inmates? Or how cons use your tax money to not only get medication, but we can not give them non-generic. How about how we pay $1,200 just to transport a con to a hospital via ambulance because he can�t poop? I don�t know about you but a $40,000 job to dig through someone�s poop looking for drugs isn�t the best job in the world you want to make it seem like we have it. Now if you want to take issues with how inmates are treated, I�ll agree with you there, but there are very few people that could walk the beat a NYS CO does in an 8 or sometimes mandated 16 hour day.