Re: Elections 2012:What unites us is greater than what divides us
I understand your lack of female companionship + fidelity to a dying ideology are driving you insane, but please try to keep up with the conversation. If we are to believe knuckledragger logic, most employers in Mass should have dumped their staff onto the state plan by now, and millions of citizens have decided to pay a fine instead of getting insurance. None of this relates to whether or not insurers have to accept patients. So I'll ask again, why aren't Mass employers pawning off their workers onto the state, and why aren't the residents just paying the tax instead of getting coverage?
Are you American or retarded?
Insurance Acceptance clause.
I understand your lack of female companionship + fidelity to a dying ideology are driving you insane, but please try to keep up with the conversation. If we are to believe knuckledragger logic, most employers in Mass should have dumped their staff onto the state plan by now, and millions of citizens have decided to pay a fine instead of getting insurance. None of this relates to whether or not insurers have to accept patients. So I'll ask again, why aren't Mass employers pawning off their workers onto the state, and why aren't the residents just paying the tax instead of getting coverage?