Hug someone you care about...
I was on the "Dems are screwing this up" bandwagon before most of Bluesky was because I saw how pathetic the Dems are. The second they started talking about bipartisanship again I knew we were lost. (so you spent a billiond dollars saying he is Hitler...and now you want to work with Hitler? This is why no one trusts you clowns) When some started blaming the "Woke Left" I knew they weren't serious...and when they couldnt be bothered to even stay in DC to work (MULITPLE TIMES!!) while the country was burning I knew we were screwed. They don't care...because most of leadership is bought and paid for by the same clowns they are pretending to hate. Hell Jeffries was just out in California trying to raise money...hey pr!ck maybe do your phucking job and at least pretend you are trying to protect us. Nancy Pelosi would have!One and one half branches capitulated to him allowing this, the remaining half is mostly "Susan Collins-ing it" saying that they're cross at him, but hopes he learned his lesson.
A small sliver is actually putting up a fight (Crockett, AOC). I'm not as bitter towards the Dems as some on Bluesky, but goddammit at least do you job and lie to me a little that there's court challenges being formed. Why am I hearing more pushback from the Alt National Parks account and Adam Kinzinger than my own goddammed elected officials.
The ones who seem the most worried these days are the former Republicans like Michael Steele. He legit froths at the mouth begging the Dems to take this seriously. Kinzinger too. Lower level Dems like Moskowitz and Crockett do...but hell even Bernie voted for Rubio I believe. (and hasn't stopped Unanimous Consent which he could do to you know...FIGHT!) The Dems don't care because they are benefiting in their eyes. I bet the lobbyists are throwing cash at them so they don't even notice if we stop donating. Most of them think it is is their right to be there...they dont care if we think they no longer represent us. You can hear it every time they talk.
At least the GOP doesn't hide who they are. The Dems are wolves in sheeps clothing.