There were so many negative things going on in those days it's hard to fault Marshall, Ralph and Frank. It seemed like everything, and I do mean everything, was against the hockey program. Pritchard & Oyer, NC$$, '76 Olympics, new facilities for elite WCHA programs, Harry Otenbreit, Murray's retirement, growth of the game in America, near death of DU (cannot be over emphasized), Division II and others.
Sometimes I look back and wonder why or how we continued the program and how wonderful things are now compared to then. We're clearly in the middle of a second golden age of Pioneer hockey, for which we should all be grateful. That does not ameliorate the fact that, for a variety of reasons, we permitted the program to decline to the point of irrelevance. DU hockey was, for many seasons, just an exercise in nostalgia, "boy, did we used to be good." Things are vastly better now, and we all know who the responsible parties are. However, we should never lose sight of the fact that the kind of success we're enjoying these days isn't automatic, nor our right, and comes and continues only as a result of hard work.
To me, it starts with the right guy behind the bench. And we've got him. His handling of the Luckas Dora episode proves the point. Suspend one of your leading scorers on the eve of the most important game for DU since 1969. Then, when the team visits the White House, make sure the president of the United States mentions the kid. All is forgiven. Perfect.
Gwoz has carefully polished and restored the luster to the crown jewel of DU athletics, for which we will always have gratitude. And I'm optimistic that following the lead of guys like DG, Swami and DU 78 (and others) we'll guard that patrimony into the future. Like the JDL says: Never again!