I kinda feel like a whimp, but when it's 45-60 F, I really hate running in the rain. I would be out with my group if it were not raining ALL THE TIME today.
But getting back into it- after a few weeks of family issues that drew my attention away from running.
A funny observations- my lungs are my limiter. When I run, my legs feel fine, even running quickly (2 weeks ago, I did a 5k training run <8min). But my lungs and heart can't keep up (I stopped once). So my running ability is more up to me being able to increase my aerobic capacity. The one method I know is keeping track of my HR, but what's frustrating about that is that I'm running +10min to do the "proper" run.
Paitence. Hard to come by when you are slower than you were 6 months ago.
But, one thing has really gotten under my mind in terms of this running thing and recent family issues- keeping in shape will allow me to be a lot more gaceful as I pass into my senior years. I know I'm not old now, but it's still just over 6 years until 50. While I like to race, keeping in shape and healthy is job #1 for running. No doubt about that.
(on a side note, should we put together a training plan for 'diva so that she can qualify for Boston (3:40 in the next few years, I hear it will be 3:35 in 2013)? For reference, she just did a 10 mile race in 1:22:45, which is a 8:16 pace, and if she waits until 2013 to make the attempt, 3:35 is a 8:12 pace, 3:40 is a 8:24 pace. Yea, I'd say that she's well into the ball park)
(side note 2- some of you may remember that both I and mrs Alfa got hurt last year- my foot, her hamstring. Well, with all of the issues we've been dealing with over the past 3-4 week, she hasn't been running. Her run yesterday was pretty quick for this running season (~9:30), and her legs were fine! HR and lungs suffered- between the time off and the HEEEAAATTT, she had problems with lung effort. But I'm darned optomistic that she'll regain form again!!)