Re: Diet and Exercise 2011: Better Than This.
Now that we are creeping toward the end of the year, and the holiday feeding frenzy, it seems to be a good time to reflect on the year.
My year wasn't nearly what I wanted to be. Tried for the second time to run a marathon. And for the second straight year, I hurt my right foot, this time a lot worse than last year- an actual fracture. Whereas Mrs. Alfa's injury was very bad to the point of missing a marathon- she has healed pretty well, and is back to 80% running. Me, on the other hand, still has soreness in my foot, and limit most of my running to treadmills. Those suck.
Ran for the 4th time outside yesterday since I got hurt. Man, running outside is so nice. We did a 5 mile fun run for charity in about 50min. Still sore, and still scared, but for sure I'm limiting my peak miles to 6 right now. The soreness really creeps in at 4, and it makes me very nervous.
If anyone is curious- it appears that I land on the outside of my right foot, and then slap down the inside, which seems to torque the whole thing a little funny. Not what I expected to see, but that's what the video showed. Also showed that I'm not pushing off with the left/rotating to the right the same, and when I focus on pushing/rotating, my foot feels better. gotta work on my stride some more, but also need to get some more flexibilty in my feet. Years of binding them tight into skates appear to be causing issues.
A new PITA- I've gained weight. Not cool. And not good for the foot. So I really need to focus on not eating too much for the holiday- as I'm trying to get back to at least under 180, and closer to 170 by next June.
Goals for 2012- back to my original- be capable of a half marathon whenever I want. Maybe speed for one or two a year, but be capable of one at all times. I was there last year- it wasn't until I was pushing over 16 miles on long runs that the foot really started causing problems. Some nice local races seem to be available, too- 10k in April (or 5k), two local half marathons in June, and a selection of fall runs. We are looking for a low key fall race- no more Detroit until we get some more miles and I know I can spend the money and be sure I can do it (two registrations in a row have been wasted).
I'll take off the winter season with the group, and focus on cross training to help heal. May do some Saturday runs with them, since they are so great to run with. But just can't stress too much, too soon.
Any other reflections, possible 2012 goals? I'll re-post them once a 2012 thread starts.