Re: Diet and Exercise 2010: Whatever it takes
Gosh! I havent been on the board for a while but this tread was just hte motivation I need!!!
For the runners who 1) are coming to the Frozen Four, and 2) are not planning on playing in the posters game- there's a 5k, 10k, Half, and full Marathon in Dearborn (very close to Detroit)-
I would participate if I were not playing- I think I could do a half that day.... But I may still do the 10k. It's only an hour of running, and I'd be done by 9am- the game at noon and all..
Im bummed I cant go to the FF now, I have to be in Athens, GA that weekend. I was so excited about being able to go for the first time in years.
In my case I did need to switch some of the foods I eat, because I wanted to exercise in addition to the eating more often per day. I am used to eating once per day, which of course causes me to store food and keep some extra weight.
I can't have Pizza, hamburger, and cokes 4-6 times a day and expect to be healthy.

Nor will those kind of calories help me have energy for exercise.
I'm probably only 20 lbs overweight. So now is the time to change before it becomes worse and much more difficult to fix.
I wish I could eat pizza all the time....yum.....
My body is very unhappy with me right now.
Every part of me is sore after 2 workouts. I know that's to be expected when you go from dormant to 60 in just a few days.

But it sure makes it hard to want to keep doing it.
I won't stop though, I have much better discipline than that.
It will get better, in a short amount of time you will find all sorts of energry too!!!
Definitely keep it simple. At triathlons you'll see ALL kinds of bikes, outfits, etc. so don't worry about what to wear or being an oddball.
Swim - if in open water, and it's cold, and you're not comfortable in the water then consider renting a wet suit.
Bike - assuming this is a shorter ride (less then 20 miles), just wear your running shorts or jammers of some kind.
A fitting editorial...
Good luck and let us know how things go. I did my first one 4 years ago and was instantly hooked. I moved from sprints, to olympic distance to 2 half iron's last year. This year the big race is Ironman Wisconsin. So be careful, this sport can suck you in!
I want to tri!!!!!! I think I still might need to wait till next year. I want to see if when I lose they weight if the tendonitist will go down in my shoulder. (Still throbs pretty much every night, just from me going back to a decent running schedule). But I am looking at some duals this year.
Speaking of bicycling, I want to start riding to work again (only a couple miles each way),
I live 2 miles from I work, I biked that apartment just for that reason. And it is getting so nice here in chiagoland I can proably walk to work the next two days (until i snows over the weekend)
this year I have been more of a stickler about what I consume, namely anything with sugar or high fructose corn syrup. This effort has led me to start reading the labels pretty in depth every time I hit up the store. One conclusion I have come to in the past few months; everything has sugar in it. Its almost unavoidable. I find myself having to try and get stuff that isn't bad for you...its simply too easy to pick something up with sugar and thinking one is eating pretty well.
Milk, spreads, nuts, cereals, dressings are all culprits!
Thats my rant for today.
Yeah its kind of crazy, like ketchup, when i am off the evil soda, becomes waaay to sweet for me.
So, I paid my $29 and have my shape scan analysis tonight. The first official meeting is Wednesday. Not only do I want to take their money, I don't want to put anything else in; it's a dollar for every pound gained during the 12 weeks. I'm pretty excited about this. I'll actually have someone and something to be accountable to.
That is actually a great disinsentive. I wish they would do that with bags at the grocery store. If you started charging people 5 cents a bag, rather than a credit (that some places give) you would get alot more people remebering to bring their bags in.
My suggestion is whenever you actually do get around to cooking, make a family size meal and package the leftovers in single serving size containers. You can either freeze them or put the in the refrigerator, and bring them to work for lunch. It won't take any more time to make the larger meal, but it will save you a bunch of time in preparing lunches.
That is what I do, or when I get home from shopping I seperate food already into servicings. I also have started peeling my own carrots, it is pretty darn relaxing.
Anyone leave near NYC and want to try a 2-day NYC to Albany bike ride towards the end of the summer/fall? Should be a tad under 200 miles depending on the route we take.
The 5 boro ride in may is lots of fun and only one day, 42 miles.
Anyways, I am on a consistant running schedule the last couple of weeks, which is amazing considering how stressful work is. I am doing alot better with food the last couple of weeks as well. I had my "come to jesus" kind of moment where I live by myself, I have a ton of time, there was no reason for me not to be able to take complete control of my life.
So I am.
My first half is not to far away. May 2nd, I am afraid I am not going to be as prepared as I like, but I know I will make it through, just proably not very fast. But with all the sickness and injuries over the last two years, I have to remind myself to take it a little easy, as i get back into being an active person.
Now if I could just find a darn hockey team. I miss the SSWHL........