Re: Diet and Exercise 2010: Whatever it takes
In my case I did need to switch some of the foods I eat, because I wanted to exercise in addition to the eating more often per day. I am used to eating once per day, which of course causes me to store food and keep some extra weight.
I can't have Pizza, hamburger, and cokes 4-6 times a day and expect to be healthy.

Nor will those kind of calories help me have energy for exercise.
I'm probably only 20 lbs overweight. So now is the time to change before it becomes worse and much more difficult to fix.
When I started losing weight, I started by cutting back on the pizza, coke, etc, and started eating more fruits and veggies. It worked. I've also been tracking my calories, keeping a record of what I've eaten. And since I'm now about 20 lbs underweight (at least), here's what I've done to ensure I don't collapse during a run:
-Started using healthy fats in meal preparation. Learned that olive oil really brings out the flavor of certain vegetables, like spinach, zucchini, broccoli, etc. Also helps with chicken; found a great marinade in Runner's World magazine that calls for olive oil and soy sauce... my parents say it's the best chicken I've ever made.
-Cut back on the caffeine. Granted, there are days when I'm still slurping cup after cup of coffee, but overall, I'm not drinking as much as I used to.
-While I still snack on reduced-fat cheeses, I can now appreciate a small portion of the good stuff, such as Brie, Camembert, Manchego, Muenster, and Provolone without overdoing it.
-Same with meat. While I prefer to eat lean cuts of meat, such as chicken breast and turkey, having a small portion of steak is good every now and then.
-Nuts. I've become a huge fan of roasting my own almonds, plus I like to snack on walnuts...
-Breads: Still using whole wheat whenever possible, but I've added pitas, rye, and sourdough to my routine.
-Sweets: Finally relented enough so I can enjoy a good peppermint or butterscotch candy. Otherwise, I'm still avoiding things like ice cream, cake, etc. I figure if I'm going to have dessert, I want to go all out, rather than eat something that will be gone in three bites or less. In other words, bring me the Kitchen Sink sundae...
-Finally, Overeaters Anonymous has helped me to stop panicking over what I've eaten. I can't change what I've already done, and running around after dinner to burn off a "bad" food doesn't help at all. "Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change..."
Our office building is having a weight loss challenge.
It actually looks solid. I need some sort of help. I know what do to and how to do it, I just lack motivation. Taking their money might just do it.
Nothing to it but to do it. Anything that motivates you to change is a good thing...