Since the question has already been answered that we run into Canada.... Part of that run was a major highlight of the race.
Based on our pace (roughly 9:50 to the bridge), we were on the top of the Ambassador Bridge just as the sun was coming up over Windsor. Talk about spectacular! That has to be on of the coolest things I've seen while running.
The border security was amusing- running into Cadada, there were probably 3 agents, all making jokes that all the lanes were open.... Coming back in the the US, OTOH, there were at leat 50 agents all yelling at people to show their number (to get a number, you had to have a passport, therefore you had to show your number to get back into the US)... It was pretty funny.
Interesting- the crowd in Canada was pretty quite- sizeable, but quiet. Once we got through the tunnel, though- holy cow! Just tons of people cheering you on.
Over the bridge to Canada- two lanes are open for traffic, through the tunnel back to the US- all closed. I don't know of many races in the world that span two countries...