Re: Detroit Lions 2009: May the Schwartz be with us.
Yeah, but the idea is to find a little wheat in the chaft there. Millen got bubkis!!!! Chaft. The Lions are going to be like the Hebrew slaves in the Ten Commanments when they gotta go out and get the stubble from the fields to make their bricks that day to get a few wins this year.It is pretty common among the NFL for most draft picks to fizzle out after a few years. The average life span of an NFL player is only 3.5 years.
So what's your point? It's not like this kind of thing only happens with the Lions. Please don't construe this as I am defending Matt Millen, because I think he ran this team into the ground.
Things are looking up for the boys and we will be in the playoffs in the next couple years.