Re: Death to the Incumbent!! Your guide to the 2010 primaries
So Castle lost, eh? This one's for you, delaware:
So Castle lost, eh? This one's for you, delaware:

So Castle lost, eh? This one's for you, delaware:
Re: Delaware primary. I'm reminded what the doctor said at the end of "Bridge on the River Kwai"--"madness, madness."
IMHO the longshot possibility of the GOP taking control of the Senate far outweighs any concerns of "ideological purity." In fact, "ideological purity" is almost always a losers' argument.
I can't remember the quote exactly, but Reagan always said a guy who sides with you 70% of the time is an ally, not an enemy.
Depressing to see the social conservative wing of the GOP making so many inroads into the Northeast. There won't be anything left.![]()
career politician bites the dust.
My understanding is that O'Donnell has become a career politician, too. It's just the winning part that has eluded her until now.![]()
I wish Castle sided with the GOP 70% of the time. His ACU score (admittedly not the be all and all, but still a decent indicator in my mind) has routinely been in the 20s. Overall, it's only at 52.
I mean, I'm disappointed because it's a slightly smaller chance of taking back the Senate, but I'll never be really disappointed when a pro-choice, pro cap and trade, pro DISCLOSE act, career politician bites the dust.
You really think that's why she won? I think her fiscal bona fides, or what they were perceived to be, helped her far far far more than any social issue did.
I think I'm following sentiments here... no tears for Castle... don't see any reason to like him... but O'Donnell? I mean, if she can win... all the power to her... I don't see her as reliable and I don't see her as electable. Anybody can claim to be "tea party" and I worry that some of these fringe people are grabbing the "tea party" mantle to win. I mean, Angle in NV beat out TWO solid conservatives who would have whipped Reid blindfolded.
The problem is that the reaction has become more emotion and visceral. I don't like Castle, but the Tea Party is going to have to get hit hard in order to know there are boundaries to their capabilities... ESPECIALLY when you haven't tried to change minds. The success so far has arisen out of the incapability of Democrats to climb out of the ideological bin... some people are coming around to fiscal conservatism but they haven't gone so "whole hog" to elect an O'Donnell and even an Angle. While I don't think their "off-target"ness is as bad as the Christian Fundamentalists, there are things which just cannot be done.
I still support the Tea Party and the ideas behind it... but there are limits to what can be accomplished in any one election. The rest will come in time because the Dems can't help to be themselves and its not like reality is going to change any time soon... but when we're dealing with serious problems, shooting for the moon is going to lead nowhere and only prolong pain.
edit: I will say this... if Dems can stop themselves from gearing of for Cap & Trade then we'll likely see economic recovery. So the conservative realignment for 2012 is not inevitable... I don't expect people to tie the removal of cap and trade from the agenda and economic success... because only ScottM seems to appreciate the idea that an unsettled market is a bad market and that a disadvantageous but settled market is better market because at least you know where to place your resources. That being said, I don't think Democrats can help themselves because they believe their ideas are right and righteous... despite being neither.
Yup. But: just win, baby. The goal here is much larger than the ideological purity of one obscure rookie senator. Even the MSM couldn't ignore the home state of the Vice President rejecting him and his boss. Plus, as I've said, control of the Senate is a much more important goal than where Castle ranks on some scale.
I'm agnostic on the Tea Party movement, except any group that gives the MSM such an epic case of the vapors can't be all bad. The TPers are only the most recent to expose the total hypocrisy of the left, and that's always a good thing--we tend to forget.
O'Donnell is a freak show. Congratulations to Delaware Republicans for peeing away a winnable seat. Either Harry Reid or Chuck Schumer thank you, as does the President.
Yup. But: just win, baby. The goal here is much larger than the ideological purity of one obscure rookie senator. Even the MSM couldn't ignore the home state of the Vice President rejecting him and his boss. Plus, as I've said, control of the Senate is a much more important goal than where Castle ranks on some scale.
Do you suppose a Republican majority in the senate might influence "The One's" next selection to the Supreme Court?
I think control of the house is paramount... you can't repeal much of any Obama's mistakes... its all wedded concretely to ideology... you're more likely to get somebody to pull off their own fingernails. The House gives the power to investigate the administration for the series of illegal and corrupt actions in the last couple of years. With the Senate anything will require 60 so, if anything, it will be a push away from 60. Yes, it gives the Dems the upper hand... but anything that goes through the Senate must also go through the house.
how do you feel about Coons
The Tea Party, before tonight, had done an exceptional job of blending pragmatism with idealism. For too long, the GOP was rooted firmly in pragmatism - they were going to do whatever it took to win as many elections as possible and that was all that was important. The Tea Party worked overtime to elect Scott Brown in MA, even though he was (and is) hardly a typical Tea Party candidate. They knew he was the most they could ever expect to hope for from MA. They went after the so-called "RINOs" in the states where they didn't have to put up with them - places like Utah, Florida, and Alaska.
That's what makes Delaware all the more head-scratching. Delaware's a blue state with a serious Democrat registration advantage. Castle's kind of a RINO to be sure, but... if the GOP takes over the Senate, Mike Castle wasn't going to be calling the shots or chairing a committee or anything. But the Tea Party (not all of it, mind you - there were a number of voices of reason that didn't go kookoo for O'Donnell) got obsessed with taking down the candidates of the establishment. They're getting their pragmatism/idealism blend off kilter. Too much of either is not going to help you advance your agenda.
The Tea Party, before tonight, had done an exceptional job of blending pragmatism with idealism. For too long, the GOP was rooted firmly in pragmatism - they were going to do whatever it took to win as many elections as possible and that was all that was important. The Tea Party worked overtime to elect Scott Brown in MA, even though he was (and is) hardly a typical Tea Party candidate. They knew he was the most they could ever expect to hope for from MA. They went after the so-called "RINOs" in the states where they didn't have to put up with them - places like Utah, Florida, and Alaska.
That's what makes Delaware all the more head-scratching. Delaware's a blue state with a serious Democrat registration advantage. Castle's kind of a RINO to be sure, but... if the GOP takes over the Senate, Mike Castle wasn't going to be calling the shots or chairing a committee or anything. But the Tea Party (not all of it, mind you - there were a number of voices of reason that didn't go kookoo for O'Donnell) got obsessed with taking down the candidates of the establishment. They're getting their pragmatism/idealism blend off kilter. Too much of either is not going to help you advance your agenda.