Lucia Apologist
Re: Death to the Incumbent!! Your guide to the 2010 primaries
Too soon.
No Hitler?![]()
Too soon.
No Hitler?![]()
I fear I will regret this, because sometimes when I've taken opponents at their word that they are arguing in sincerity I've gotten (IMHO) suckered*. But, here goes.
That's not what I mean by "American exceptionalism." Our values are splendid, and they deserve to be fought for. (Our values include many things both conservative and liberal.) It's also an imperfect world, so even if we diverge from those values from time to time, it's understandable -- it's a dirty world, and sometimes we have to do dirty things, so you won't find me being over-critical of say Nagasaki or Dresden.
But there is a limit to "my country, right or wrong." There's a point after which knee-jerk cheerleading for American actions is no longer in support of our values -- "America," at that point, is just wrapping paper -- what's inside is just somebody's agenda. The Alien and Sedition Acts, McCarthyism, FDR's court packing threat, Obama's shielding of CIA rendition to torturers; these are all over the line.
When our leadership is working against our values, we can and should oppose it. I know you agree with that, since you do it all the time -- it's just a difference in opinion between us as to what constitutes our fundamental values and their violation.
Although I really don't think we differ that much at heart. There's a lot of heat to arguments between mainstream left and right over values, but the amount of overlap is huge compared to, say, France or Russia, where left and right really are in enmity towards each other.
I think the main problem pairs of posters have is when x starts believing that because y holds one opinion, he's then responsible for an entire flotilla of opinions which x associates with that. y then gets justifiably offended that x makes assumptions about him, sticking him into some ridiculous box, and the spin into personal attacks commences.
(* I assume you have felt like this too, sometimes. The best bet, for an honest exchange, is probably to just keep giving the benefit of the doubt ad infinitum. There are only a couple posters who for me have lost that privilege forever, and I hope I'm not one for you, as you aren't one for me.)
Agreed - except for the things that are truly "ideals" as opposed to policy initiatives. Those are so important that it would probably be a good idea if we wrote those things down in a list somewhere so we don't forget.That is also why I dont belong to a party and tend to have views on both sides of the isle. Sometimes a liberal action is needed and sometimes a conservative platform is the ideal. No one idea, no one method is right all the time.![]()
And the flip side of "knee jerk cheerleading" for America is "knee jerk criticism". You're far too well read and informed to deny it exists, it's on display here every single day. And it IS my country, right or wrong. Whose country does it become when it's wrong? Is it right to turn your back on America when it's wrong (as many in my generation did during Vietnam, spelling America with a "k?")
IF and its a big IF, both Ayotte and Castle goes down, that seriously changes the math for the Senate in November.
It probably means no shot at retaking the Senate, but that was never really a realistic possibility in my mind.
New PPP shows Castle down by 3 percent.
I think I'm in the minority, but I'm really fine with however the Delaware primary goes tomorrow night. If it's Castle, then the GOP picks up Senate seat. If it's O'Donnell, it's another repudiation of the GOP establishment, which isn't really a bad thing in my mind. It probably means no shot at retaking the Senate, but that was never really a realistic possibility in my mind.
I'm curious how many other people think like that. In the case of a tea party candidate losing, would their supporters line up behind a guy like Castle? Or do they just sit it out? Don't know how that plays out, but that's why some of these predictions are laughable. Like, I'm sure Murkowski was heavily favored in the general election. Too bad those predictions have been made useless.![]()
Kep, I like Nate Silver's work, but any model that has assigned a likelihood of victory for one party or the other in NH, DE, or even Alaska at this point is stupid. Two of those races haven't decided the candidates yet, and the 3rd features complete unknowns.
Well, 538's attention to detail and attempt to be honest is many things, but I wouldn't call it "stupid," ever. It's kinda the opposite of stupid.
I'm not sure about the NH and DE predictions. I assume the AK prediction is based on the observation that a box turtle can win in AK if you put an "R" after it.
As the Nevada race proved, you really have wait and see who the nominee is and how well they'll face the scrutiny of a campaign. Statistical models had Harry Reid dead and buried a few months ago (and if any Dem deserved that fate, it'd be him). Now he's a little better than even odds to survive hence the folly of trying to call these things months ahead of time.
Well, a model is as good as the information that point, but it certainly doesn't make it worthless. The whole idea of a model is to serve as a predictor "all other things remaining static," which of course they won't. So, back before Angle won the primary, let's say Reid had a 10% chance of beating a sane challenger and a 50% chance of beating Angle, but Angle only had a 20% chance of winning the nomination. That gave Reid .1*.8 + .5*.2 = 18% chance of winning. When Angle won, the model itself had Reid back at 50%. That doesn't negate the initial model -- it reinforces it, while also underlining that the NV GOP made a humongous mistake.
I assume the AK prediction is based on the observation that a box turtle can win in AK if you put an "R" after it.
That box turtle has removed an entire corrupt family from power. I'll let you think about that one.
The source tells CNN that Kaine will announce something that will excite Democrats across the country. Kaine’s event comes as Democrats face the difficult task of holding onto their majorities in the House and Senate this November.
Oooh, I hope it's more of those sweet keychains!!!
Too bad she's ten times as corrupt.