Re: Death to the Incumbent!! Your guide to the 2010 primaries
I don't know whether Brewer is intellectually indistinguishable from a doorknob, but anybody can blank out like that. I'm glad she didn't crater just because of a human moment in what is usually an orchestrated, artificial dog and pony show.
"Debates" are highly overrated as a way of chosing a president, senator or governor. Trivial mistakes and sophomoric put downs are portrayed by the media as "epic confrontations." It's blood sport, pure and simple. And while some of these moments ARE entertaining, they really have nothing to do with predicting how someone will perform if elected. Presidents, for instance, don't make their decisions with a 60 second time limit, under the lights, with an audience.
The media perpetuate the myth of the importance of debates based on Kennedy/Nixon. Well, those debates WERE important and featured two very bright guys. We haven't seen anything comparable since then and are unlikely to in the future.
Plus, Nixon learned a painful lesson about American TV audiences. He thought the audience would grow as the debates went on, when in fact they declined. That's why he chose "foreign policy" for the final debate topic. He figured that was his strong suit and he'd show JFK as a callow, inexperienced dude. Well, he did get Kennedy to imply that he wouldn't defend the off shore islands of Quemoy and Matsu (look it up) but the audience was much smaller than for the first debate. Also, Nixon had been ill, and that along with his choice of "beardstick" over makeup made him look worse than he needed to.
One last irony, polling of people who heard the debates on radio had Nixon winning.
So we're apparantly stuck with debates. Challengers generally want as many a possible, incumbents generally would skip them if possible. It's all just political reality TV and really not a very good way to pick winners. Besides, most voters dont even watch, they just wait for Brian Williams to tell them who "won" using short tape snippets of the "important" moments.