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When does a POTUS blow the lid off? I had hopes for tD, but ....
It would take an extraordinary person to do that. I briefly wondered if tD would reveal them by allowing the jfk files to be released in full but when he met with pompeo and changed his mind it was business as usual.
Anyone who’d travel the path of overnsighting and/or indicting people from the agency risk their life.
It’s remarkable that about a half dozen people have tried in the past and knew what the outcome could be but did it anyway. True moral courage is n my view.
If i’m Trump and the whistleblower is cia (and i’m No fan of trump) i’d Call NARA now and tell them to release the files in full unredacted today and make sure a good dozen trustworthy people were there for the reveal so more files don’t wander off.
As Jeff Morley (former wapo reporter) said of the delay to 2021: trump saved the agency (albeit temporarily) by delaying the release.