I've quit the theaters. My screen, sound, food, bathroom, and alcohol are significantly better
My distaste is for this trend. What’s next- charging for express lane checkout at target?
I've quit the theaters. My screen, sound, food, bathroom, and alcohol are significantly better
Sounds like the best seats (roughly in the middle areas of the theaters) will have the upcharge. The front row(s) will actually cost less than a standard ticket (which will be everything else that is not front rows or middle). Also says it will only be for showings after 4 pm for now.
Same same.
Yeah, even before Covid I maybe did one or two a year in theaters, certainly not as much as I did in my 20s; with DVDs from Netflix there was always something new to watch at home each weekend. Plus I could drink during. With streaming getting more movies and more quickly during Covid, it really took out any desire to go to a theater. I mean, I suppose if there was something where I had to know exactly what was going to happen the immediate second it came out, I might at some point find my way back, but hell if I know which movie that would be going forward. I'm more than willing to wait a few weeks for anyone to hit streaming now. I mean, when you get down to it, having everyone go to one central big room to watch a movie is an old-timey way of doing things. It's like waiting for the circus to travel to your town. We have these big cables coming into our houses that let us choose anything digital we want at any time, shouldn't that be the way we do movies too now?
What should I do with him—dress him in my apparel and make him my waiting gentlewoman? He that hath a beard is more than a youth, and he that hath no beard is less than a man; and he that is more than a youth is not for me, and he that is less than a man, well, I am not for him.
I cannot remember my last movie in a theater. Yikes.
I know friend of ours rented out a theatre for his birthday and that was Ready Player One (2018). I think that's my last one, so... perhaps my last one ever.
What a sh-tty last movie ever. I should go to one of those prestige screenings of City Lights or 2001 and finish on a high.
Or see Road House in a theater. That would be a hoot.
I’ve seen all of one movie at the theater since my daughter was born. My wife and I would go to maybe two per month before then. The problem, we have to schedule about four hours for a movie these days; 15 or so minutes each way, 2.5 hours for the movie itself because nobody can edit down the content for the past number of years, and then time getting concessions and previews. It’s just too much of a time commitment for parents of a young kid.Wife and I still enjoy the theater experience, but unlike when we got married 25 years ago and probably went at least once a month it's now closer to once every other month at most.