Lucia Apologist
Recalls to mind one of my favorite mind-blowing stats from CERN: at full energy, the beam of protons circulating inside the LHC (rest mass less than a billionth of a pound) has as much kinetic energy as a typical TGV train (France's 350 km/hr high speed rail).
That's amazing and hilarious.
I'm actually curious now how fast a "normal" train would have to go.
Ok, super quick math:
V = (220k tons / 5k tons * (13.5 knots)^2) ^ 0.5 = 103 mph
Initially I forgot to include the 13.5^2 inside the square root and laughed very hard at the answer until I realized where I went wrong.
Anyways, imagine a fully loaded train at 103 mph running into the side of a mountain. That's the energy here.