85er if you want to talk hockey in general, I for one, am down with that. As I stated to you in a previous post I honestly think you have plenty to contribute to all things hockey...if you choose to do so.
I may speak for many when I say to you that "what people are discussing here" is percieved by some as nothing more than a public lynching. The hockey traditionalists don't care for it, regardless of who's right or wrong.
That's why your getting the pushback you and your posse are seeing. I wouldn't know Digit Murphy from Murphy Brown nor my "Dad" from Wild Bill Coady but I do know right from wrong and whatever your trying to accomplish here by publicly stoning these particular coaches is well... just plain wrong.
Most here don't want to have you take any of this personaly...but many can't for the life of them, figure out why you want to settle this issue so publicly.
History should tell you this type of approach is doomed to fail.
There has to be another way to air your concerns, has to be...