If they play on slush, that will work too! We don't want "perfect" ice.
Perfect ice? Surely, you must be joking.
If they play on slush, that will work too! We don't want "perfect" ice.
Perfect ice? Surely, you must be joking.
just a thought for future tournaments. when we were in a hotel room and the fire alarm went off repeatedly, the mister would spray shaving cream into it. worked. might be more time efficient that removing the whole detector.
I said we didn't want that, you big silly. If the ice looks too good, we have ways of making it not so good.
Just run a pipe from the outhouse to the rink. The yellow hue will look great on the beta-max feed
As we all know, there's no rush on results.
Got a call from Cloudcroft, NM. They loved hosting the NoWinS tournament, and would like to be considered again.
That should immediately disqualify them.
Guten Tag. I've been lazy following this thread. Now that Tech has made the Frozen Feeders, I'm trying to get up to date. Is that Odessa Texas or Odessa on the Black Sea in Russia or the Ukraine? If so I think we have badly heightened our standards by holding tournaments overseas.
That should immediately disqualify them.
Who do they think they are? Marty the Cat?
Addressing MissThundercat - when does the tournament open for business? The Point Roberts organizing committee is anxious to get back to fishing and wants to play ASAP while the weather is still unfavorable for hockey.
This weekend's okay. I told the regional sites start play any time you want. Per long standing tradition, we're going to wait a bit for the results to come back to us... Chester the carrier pigeon has been assigned to Point Roberts.
Summit of Mt Washington is getting buried by another major snowstorm this weekend. Even Marty the Cat is hunkered down in his Observatory bed, stockpiling some zzzzz's for when rhe weather improves for game on (note, just improves, as opposed to blue skies).
Chester has arrived at Point Roberts, but was detained at the border after mistakenly flying through Canadian airspace. Officials expressed hope that he would be released to organizing committee representatives in the next 4-8 hours.
I don't want to say too much, but Donna carrier pigeon has started arriving from Laurium, MI with results.
Snively has told me Mt Washington organizers can't wait much longer, and will start play tomorrow. Nina will bring results in due time.
Fade, any news out of Odessa?