My pigeon finally came back.
Merrimack vs. Michigan State
Period 1: Taro Hirose had already left, leaving Michigan State without a scorer. With no leading scorer, Michigan State was left to goon it up. With participants having trouble breathing due to CO fumes, there was a bunch of standing around hacking and wheezing. There were some attempted passes that went nowhere, shots that trickled in on net with no real chance of going in, stuff like that. Somehow, Guy Fieri got a gas mask and allowed him to cover the action. While everyone was standing there, he passed out chicken wings with Donkey Sauce, which led to a mess of wing bones on the ice. Finally, Derek Petti of Merrimack pushed his way through the fumes and scored on John Lethemon. The period would end with Merrimack on top, 1-0.
Period 2: MORE CHICKEN WINGS! And more bones on the ice. There was more standing around, more hacking and wheezing. Guy Fieri was talking about Taro Hirose, who clearly was not there, and how he would have taken Michigan State to Flavortown. Dennis Cesana of Michigan State threaded a pass to Cody Milan, and somehow, through all the wing bones, a shot made its way past Craig Pantano's shoulder. Game was tied! Would someone get these chicken bones off the ice? Oh wait, we can't afford that! At the end of 2, we're still tied at 1.
Period 3: Chase Gresock, stuffed on chicken wings, threw up on the ice. No one to clean it up, so now we have bodily fluids on the ice, chicken wings on the ice, and the smell of CO in the air. Gresock continued playing, as 5 Merrimack players had succumbed to CO poisoning already. With players on both sides retreating to the bench because of the fumes, Gresock decided to end it with 30 seconds left by scoring once more. Game would end 2-1 Merrimack, with Michigan State advancing to the Chumpionship.