Nick Papagiorgio
Holding court
Re: Boston University 2012 Offseason
BTW, this Globe writer is my hero and I love her.
BTW, this Globe writer is my hero and I love her.
The only aspect of the article that surprised me is that the Globe didn't work in a positive reference, however oblique, to Elizabeth Warren.BTW, this Globe writer is my hero and I love her.
The only aspect of the article that surprised me is that the Globe didn't work in a positive reference, however oblique, to Elizabeth Warren.
I don't think the administration is apathetic at all. The one step they didn't take however is cleaning house ala Penn St. No doubt that's out of deference to Parker's long tenure. However I can't see them getting past this now as long as the same people are in place. Every time something happens this year its going to be front page headlines and a continuation of the scandal. I don't think this is the end of it, and I don't see this ending well...
I don't think this is the end of it
What happened at BU and what happened at Penn State are not comparable.
What happened at BU and what happened at Penn State are not comparable.
Did Parker lie to the task force? Or is he really just this senile that he can't remember?
And if he did lie, how can Bobby Brown not fire him immediately?
Here we had two arrests stemming from separate and completely different incidents of sexual assault, and rather than establishing an immediate plan for handling sexual assault on campus, the president decided to look into the culture of the hockey team. But to believe that sexual assault was an issue isolated to the hockey team was ridiculous, and the task force proved that to be true. It ultimately found nothing about BU hockey itself that caused the two incidents.
If you read the papers, you’ll see a different story. According to the media, the task force did find plenty wrong with the BU hockey culture.They have decided to run with the story that there is a culture of sexual entitlement among some BU hockey players and that the hockey players are held to a lower academic standard and isolated on campus from the rest of the BU students.
One last thing... props to our own reblur for coming up with yet another horrendously dumb story
She wrote on that the media is spinning this out of control and that nothing is wrong with the BU hockey team's culture. I wonder if she read Mary Carmichael's article today?
Boy do I miss her.
Hmmmmmmmmm. Long tenured championship winning coach staying at a storied program for too long while going senile and presiding over a "scandal" on the way out the door.
Nope, not similar at all.
I know there are several BU fans making the trip to Grand Forks this year, and I just wanted to let you know that tickets go on sale at 11am (Eastern time) on Friday, September 14th. If you are a super-diehard and must have tickets, you can join North Dakota's Champions Club ($100) and get on the waiting list for season tickets (the $100 is refundable). Champions Club members have access to a pre-sale on the 12th. There are roughly 800 tickets left for each game, and they will likely go fast. Tickets are on sale via ticketmaster, so expect a hefty surcharge for using that service.
Anyway, sorry if this information has already been announced in this thread, and I hope all of you who are making the trip either already have tickets, or are able to get tickets next Friday.
One last thing... props to our own reblur for coming up with yet another horrendously dumb story
She wrote on that the media is spinning this out of control and that nothing is wrong with the BU hockey team's culture. I wonder if she read Mary Carmichael's article today?
Boy do I miss her.
reblur said:the sober Trivino I know is not a guy who would force his way into a girl's room and attempt to rape her. I can't imagine him ever making anyone even feel uncomfortable when he's sober.There are plenty of players in my time covering the team who have looked at me differently or flirted with me or the like. Trivino has never been one of those players. Even outside of the rink, he'll say hi and is plenty of friendly, but has never been even close to saying or doing anything inappropriate.
Read that, unreal.
Thanks for the info, and the help previously.
What you can also do to get tickets early is to order as a group. They didn't give a discount, but they set up my group with tickets over a month ago. Useful info if you didn't already know it.