Re: Boston University 2011-2012 Part V: At least 6 more games, maybe 13... who's with
Oh yea... the NCAA would love that. Can you say By-Laws?
1) what the he!!??? host family for college freshmen? really? there are thousands of 18yo coming to this town every fall. the fact that they are on their own doesn't mean they feel it's ok to sexually assault the opposite sex.
1b) plus the average freshman these days is 19 or 20. in my house we call them adults. my kids will be receiving hints daily to gtfu if they try to set up camp at 20yo in my house!
2) alcohol policy? if you are 21 it is legal to drink. so drink. but it is not legal to embarrass me. you embarrass me twice you're not playing hockey. i'm not releasing you and you will be forced to leave on your own or waste your so called career. scholarships are not guaranteed. call your mommy and tell her to expect a tuition bill.
3) i will have one policy.... DON'T RAPE ANYONE!!! horny? come listen to my wise friend mookie.. 'wack off!'. you know what, i'll let him tell it...
"hey there. i know what i want. i can touch myself in a manner that the job gets done, FAST! you want to know something... get a job, and guess what? you'll appreciate sleep. why waste all night when you can do it yourself in a couple minutes. i feel good. i get sleep. try it, you'll like it."
D) got brownie's email at 445p. easier to read when it's not on a phone. -summer?- -early next fall?- hmmm. i don't think we need a slow boat to china to interview people, do we? i don't think we appreciate the level of bad pr this can get quickly. kids will be making decisions on coming in as freshmen. recruits will be looking elsewhere shortly. and i didn't see any mention of his culpability in this? will the task force be able to dive into what the office of the president did (or didn't do) in december? lot of insiders.
what his assistant typed:
The membership of the task force, its charge, and its work plan will be announced in the next several weeks. The goal is for the task force to offer the University a thoughtful and impartial assessment of the culture and climate of our team, with a view to answering the question whether that culture and climate could have contributed to actions that, in turn, led to criminal charges. I will ask to have a report from the task force early in the summer so that we can begin to address any issues in the coming academic year.
what i may have typed instead:
The membership of the task force, its charge, and its work plan will be announced in the next 10 days. The goal is for the task force to offer the community a thoughtful and independent assessment of the culture and climate of our team and it's interaction with the University as a whole, with a view to answering the question whether that culture and climate could have contributed to actions that, in turn, led to criminal charges. I will ask to have a report from the task force in the coming weeks so that we can begin to address any issues well before the start of the academic year.
ie - did brownie's love of going to big hockey games cloud suspicions a responsible leader might have had back in dec? does brown allow certain leeway with the hockey team in relation to the overall student body and in comparison to other peer schools (let's examine how many bu players are enrolled in met vs how many harvard players are enrolled in the extension school).
i think there are a lot of things that if you scratch the shell you may see items that encouraged the sense of entitlement. the 'culture' that they are chasing has a base to grow upon.