Re: Boston University: 2010-11 part I - "'re saying i get a calendar??"
Re: Boston University: 2010-11 part I - "'re saying i get a calendar??"
and can we lay to rest all this nonsense?!?!
-i have no doubt that before anything happened, Jerry called Jack. Jack did not blow a gasket, anything. Jack released Vincent. let.him.go. didn't want him back. wherever he went was ok with him. Jerry wasn't "getting back" at anyone. Jerry is the grandfather everyone wants. loves you to death. does anything for you. smartest guy in the room.
-and the 2nd thing... what was that.. hmmm....
oh, yes, other stuff happened. so what. it wasn't something that Jack wanted around his team. guess what?? IT'S HIS TEAM. he can do whatever the hell he wants. you don't like that you and your younger brother got hosed, tough. i'm sorry for both of you, but that's it. do i hope Vincent succeeds in life? yup. at bc even. sure. the comments i've read when he left and got a place to play in the ushl were all the right things. do i think if he called Jack and asked advice or just wanted to talk, would Jack do so and help him out? yup. no doubt. but did he do something that Jack didn't want him around. yeah. whatever that line was, crossed. maybe that line isn't 'kicking some idiots head in with your chitkicker boots'. whatever, ain't my line. kids who play hockey are human. human's make mistakes. many times they learn and go on and do better. here's hoping Vincent does better.
-2b. i.don' it's not any of my business. i heard what victor did, "my internal head went 'blahblahblahblahblah'" i don't want to know. someone tried to tell me what motherwell did, "I DON'T WANT TO KNOW!!!" i said. again, i.don' move on.