Registered User
Re: Boston College Off-Season Thread: 2012 National Champions

P.S. Show me the average BC student (non athletic scholly) that got a 4 year BC education for 25K ($6,250. per year). You stated he made 5 times ++++ a BC education (he made: 125k/5= 25k).
If you're gonna throw out ridiculous comments, don't do it with numbers. For most of us, math is an easy thing to cross check.
There you go exaggerating again.I am not the one getting all worked up over someone speculating on how much a signing bonus was. Pro reported on this thread exactly how much it was, has been written about and talked about 50 times.

P.S. Show me the average BC student (non athletic scholly) that got a 4 year BC education for 25K ($6,250. per year). You stated he made 5 times ++++ a BC education (he made: 125k/5= 25k).
If you're gonna throw out ridiculous comments, don't do it with numbers. For most of us, math is an easy thing to cross check.