Re: Boston College Off-Season Thread: 2012 National Champions
The Notre Dame helmets come to mind -- which seem to me to be like the Michigan helmets, a lame attempt to look like the football team. The Bruins colors are black and gold, but it sure looks yellow to me.I've asked this question before, but what school out there "correctly" uses gold in their uniforms? It's not exactly the easiest color to replicate and I have a feeling if the uniforms were truly "gold", there'd still be a lot of people with complaints.
"Dijon" or "Grey Poupon" (the stuff you use in French cooking), is a better description of the color than the "mustard" you put on your hot dog. Speaking as a non-fan (by no means an enemy, just not a rabid fan; I rooted for them in Tampa) I hated them on TV, but over the course of the Beanpot and the FF, I kinda like them now.You'd think the bigger complaints would have been with the pre-2000-2001 uniforms. Now, those were "mustard" colored helmets. When someone says mustard, I think yellow...not the color of BCs golds uniforms. If I had to choose between the current golds and the current whites...give me the golds any day of the week.