It’s almost funny watching the duality of Conservatives. They are so sure they’ll keep the Senate and Trump will win but they’re also going “DO IT NOW!!!” If you’re so sure you’re going to win then what’s the rush?
Perpetually scared White People are truly the worst thing in this country.
Perpetually scared.I am a White People. These aren't White People. These are Nazis who happen to be white.
Perpetually scared.
I may be a s- State School not even graduate working class schmuck but even I know what a qualifier is.
I am perpetually scared.
I'm married.
And it's why you have survived.
I have been permitted to continue to serve.
If by some miracle we win the elections we are currently favored to win? Interesting wording...
Virginia GOP said:Quick! Someone call the waaaambulance!
That was their response to the NYTimes article about Trump supporters showing up at polls and causing problems.
That was their response to the NYTimes article about Trump supporters showing up at polls and causing problems.
I overheard some Dumpy coworkers coordinating these protests in NoVa last week. There was much "hurr hurr hurr"ing.
I should mention these were among the most nasty and vicious of my coworkers. Real sweethearts. They are also ammosexuals.
Yes.Is Chris Wallace moderating it, though?