French Rage
A set of Monmouth polls in PA show Biden at +8/+11/+12, after showing him only at +1/+3/+4 a month ago.
A set of Monmouth polls in PA show Biden at +8/+11/+12, after showing him only at +1/+3/+4 a month ago.
Which states just changed on 538? It looks like Colorado is a slight-darker (10%+) blue? The 0-5% and 5-10% look to be the same states as before.
“Beating” Covid didn’t work, so now he’s running on giving a stimulus after the election.
It really pains me to say this, and some of you know how I've argued various points in the past, but the 2020 version of the Republican Party needs to be burned down and started over. Trump has rotted it to the core. I hope there's something salvageable left when he's done with it, but if not, we'll need a new party.
I despise single party crap (like what we have in MA), but when one of the parties has devolved to this...
He has to get a stimulus out there. The Fed Chairman just said that a stimulus can't be too big, only too small at this point. He's looking at COVID-19 as the killer; everybody else knows Trump is the pistol.
Charlie Sykes @SykesCharlie
“So we get a madman, his face pancaked under a 2mm coat of orange powder, jacked up on steroids, straining to breathe—and not caring a whit about those around him. “And I’ve got to hand it to him: Trump nails that image.”
Yeah, he looks real healthy in those pictures.
The markets are already tanking on the news...He has to get a stimulus out there. The Fed Chairman just said that a stimulus can't be too big, only too small at this point. He's looking at COVID-19 as the killer; everybody else knows Trump is the pistol.
He cant because he and Mitch are forcing through the "Sacred Charge to Implode The Supreme Court"! They don't have enough time for both especially since Mitch has no interest in it anyways.
He is a friggin idiot. If he passes the Stimulus he at least stops the bleeding.
And add two more as an extra f- you.Interesting thing is what happens if it was Barrett and she drops dead next Spring. Then we just take the seat back.
Why does he care if Joe Biden's economy tanks?
He looks lik every sick person who just put all their energy into one action...ready to pass out as soon as it is done.