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Detroit News just released their post-debate poll, Biden’s lead is up from 5 to 9 points in MI over the last month.
So...Biden is in trouble? ;-)
Detroit News just released their post-debate poll, Biden’s lead is up from 5 to 9 points in MI over the last month.
BREAKING: Major victory for democracy tonight in Arizona! Federal judge issues order extending the voter registration deadline in the midst of the pandemic. This ruling will allow thousands more in the state to vote in November.
Both of them would be stupid to concede on election night if it isn't an obvious blowout.
really, there is no reason to concede anything. at all. just count the votes.
at m.o.s.t. one can say, "hey, looks like (s)he is winning. i'll see all y'all in the morning. good night"
It won't be the morning, it will be a week or more.
People are going to have to get used to elections not being as satisfying as they were. OR we can count the mail in ballots as they are received, which would be the smart thing to do. Then when the polls close announce the mail in count and then start tabulating the in-person count.
I really do not understand why we don't do it this way already.
I really do not understand why we don't do it this way already.
Has Trump gone from trying to rig the election to trying to throw the election? Hard to see how his actions last few days help with any voters except the hardcore trumpers.
23.2 1972 Nixon McGovern
22.6 1964 Johnson Goldwater
18.2 1984 Reagan Mondale
9.7 1980 Reagan Carter
8.5 1996 Clinton Dole
7.7 1988 Bush Dukakis
7.3 2008 Obama McCain
That is a lot of people...I wonder who they are voting for ;-)
Which states just changed on 538? It looks like Colorado is a slight-darker (10%+) blue? The 0-5% and 5-10% look to be the same states as before.