How times do I have to say that I am a fan of both schools? Is that really a hard concept for you to grasp?
BC is a University and it is mostly in Boston, but it stuck with the name Boston College so it would not be associated with that horribly s***ty school down the street. Just like RPI still has its original name and did not change to RU or something stupid when it became a university, unlike that other horribly s***ty school Clarckson which was originally a tech school but changed its name when they became a university because they are stupid, and they thought people would not take them seriously if they were a tech school. But really people never took them seriously so the joke is on them.
Your uniforms are not better, they look like something that I would never say on USCHO. And you stole them from Cornell.
It is easy to get support for your hockey team when it is the only sport at your school. It would be expensive to buy jerseys for football, hockey, and basket, so BC students realized that if they had one shirt they could wear to every game then they could spend more money on beer. I would not expect you to understand that though. its pretty advanced economics. I know BU doesn't have those sort of classes, and I understand everyone makes mistakes. Its just a shame yours was such a big one.