Re: Any chance the Penn State scandal has an impact on hockey?
Upfront... Penn State grad, 2001.
Will the University, Terry Pegula, or any other hockey backers fall off the bandwagon because of the Jerry Sandusky ordeal? NO.
Will a couple kids not accept Penn State scholarships offers because of this? The short-sighted ones, yes. This ordeal has no bearing whatsoever of the education any student-athlete will receive at Penn State. The school is still in the AAU, still a land-grant instution, still a major research institution, and will continue to be so. The only student-athletes to be affect will be playing football. Maybe.
As it stands, I don't have a strong feeling either way if/when the NCAA will act.
Emmert's letter to Rodney Erickson (the new PSU President) asked for a response date of December 9. The media throngs armed with pitchforks and torches calling for the Death Penalty will have to wait. Due to game contracts, TV contracts, and Lord-knows-what-else, that cannot possibly happen for the 2012 season. speaking purely logistically --looking at what the NCAA gave to SMU in the 80's, I honestly don't even know how you begin to do that now -- With every game broadcast on television, non-conference games scheduled 10 years in advance, BCS money/contracts, etc... where do you even start?
IMHO - They get a MAJOR scholarship reduction and a several-year (4 or 5?) bowl ban. Penn State will volunteer to donate millions from ticket proceeds to child welfare programs.
The best non-death penalty opinion I have read so far (and there aren't many) belongs to ESPN's Jay Bilas. His opinion should carry at least a little weight, considering he is an attorney. He makes a point that the NCAA comes in long-after-the-fact, and levies any sanctions/penaty on those who are tasked with cleaning up the mess, not those who created it. He wants the NCAA to go after Spanier, Curley, and Schultz directly. I would love to see that.
Maybe I can't see through my blue and white colored glasses, but I don't understand how not playing football for a year makes up for the attrocities committed by Sandusky, and the cover-up perpetrated by four men, one of which is now deceased. They are solely responsible for this mess... they should be ones to pay.