Cornell Big Red
Mine is:
1. Client contacts development directly and tries to use their personal connections to jump the entire requirements gathering process and inject their work directly into production.
2. Development reports it to us, we (very nicely, considering) capture the requirement and backlog it for consideration for the next planning interval.
3. Client shows up, screams it isn't done.
4. Our leadership assures Client their needs will be met and scolds us for "not communicating."
1. Client contacts development directly and tries to use their personal connections to jump the entire requirements gathering process and inject their work directly into production.
2. Development reports it to us, we (very nicely, considering) capture the requirement and backlog it for consideration for the next planning interval.
3. Client shows up, screams it isn't done.
4. Our leadership assures Client their needs will be met and scolds us for "not communicating."