Are the cis okay?
I can't wait until April 29.
And what's happening April 29?
I can't wait until April 29.
And what's happening April 29?
The number floating around is that 25% of our software team (>300 people) has resigned in the last 8 weeks. Disaster is in 3…2….1….
Not clear if it’s mandate related or just part of the great resignation in general. Programmers do tend to be a fiercely independent/libertarian lot.
My firm just gave a bunch of us an equity grant. I mean, cool and all but it won’t vest for years so either fix base salaries or expect a massacre of attrition come late Feb
My second shift lead last night: "I don't know why they hired you." Then proceeded to flaunt her 25 years experience and how she trained her kids in direct care.
The number floating around is that 25% of our software team (>300 people) has resigned in the last 8 weeks. Disaster is in 3…2….1….
Not clear if it’s mandate related or just part of the great resignation in general. Programmers do tend to be a fiercely independent/libertarian lot.
Oh puh-leaze. Like direct care at an AFC home is some sort of highly desirable job that pays great wages and people are beating down the door to get hired, especially in this economy. She sounds like an enormous twatwaffle.
She is. I was left alone with a resident last night to do his night routine, and an accident happened and he fell out of bed. Screamed for help for 5 minutes to find she was in the bathroom on her phone. She looked at me like I inconvenienced her and complained about her back the entire time. Back in the office, she piled on the humiliation.
I got off the phone with my supervisor 15 minutes ago and the super's words were "that's unacceptable." She told me though I lack experience in direct care, I was brought on for other reasons.
Direct care is some of the hardest work out there. I did it for 6 years, mostly in college and high school while working to get a degree, as you are. Don’t let that stupid bit-h get you down. You seem like an empathetic, caring person who’ll understand basically any situation one of your patients is dealing with, and therefore, will probably have the respect of your patients more than her within 25 hours on the floor, much less 25 years. How many patients do you work with?
The house has 6 residents. I've played Sorry and Yahtzee with one, told another one about my time in endurance, and received a colored in mandala from a third.
What are their primary diagnoses? I loved working in the group home setting. I mostly worked with elderly adults suffering from schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, etc. Worked with a few who had traumatic brain injuries from motorcycle and car accidents. Most of them were well-medicated and mostly stable, but interesting and challenging all the same.
Advice needed:
Looks like I'm covering the overnight shift more often than I thought.
How do I cope?