Cornell Big Red
With strikes, the only ones that have really been effective are the ones involving employees who can't be replaced. Major league athletes are a perfect example.
Everyone else is replaceable, ultimately.
Hence the need for general strikes and worker solidarity writ large.
Capital colludes against labor continuously through the bribery of the legislative and regulatory process (and just good old fashioned financial extortion of their workers). The only legal recourse for labor is strikes: early and often. It's the only way to level the playing the field. This is also why there is constant action to discredit unions and circumscribe or prohibit collective action. Capital has all the cards except, in a democracy, voting numbers, but even there capital can typically manufacture the consent it needs to exploit labor by playing demographic divide and conquer, hitching its interests to usefully idiotic social and religious movements, or just flat out disenfranchising voters with the "wrong" characteristics and stifling candidates with "impractical" (read: redistributive) policy preferences.
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