Are the cis okay?
And yes, 32 hours a week comes with benefits.
I'm also hopeful Sentient Ethics Violation gets termed out soon.
I'm also hopeful Sentient Ethics Violation gets termed out soon.
Finally back at work after being out for two weeks due to COVID.
Applied last week for the emergency leave pay and had gotten no response. Went to management today to check on the status, was given a number to call (standard procedure at my company). Called the number and the lady says “oh yes, we’ve received your application but it hasn’t been processed yet because we’re waiting on documentation” “ok, it’s been a week, why wasn’t I contacted?” “Because I’ve just started the process on it. I’ll send you an email for the documentation.” “Ok, I’ll send it back today. How long until I get paid?” “Well, the documentation will need to be sent for approval and then after it’s approved it’ll up to 14 business days until you receive payment.”
*eye twitch*
“Ma’am, I have bills to pay now. I can’t be waiting three weeks. Is there a way to expedite this process?” “I’m sorry, there isn’t.”
*Jimjamesak proceeds to be very PO’d at his company (more so than usual)*
It’s very on brand for my company.Mother Raytheon did this all the time.
I swear it's by design and slow rolling payments to steal compound interest from employees is a profit center for them.
Finally back at work after being out for two weeks due to COVID.
Applied last week for the emergency leave pay and had gotten no response. Went to management today to check on the status, was given a number to call (standard procedure at my company). Called the number and the lady says “oh yes, we’ve received your application but it hasn’t been processed yet because we’re waiting on documentation” “ok, it’s been a week, why wasn’t I contacted?” “Because I’ve just started the process on it. I’ll send you an email for the documentation.” “Ok, I’ll send it back today. How long until I get paid?” “Well, the documentation will need to be sent for approval and then after it’s approved it’ll up to 14 business days until you receive payment.”
*eye twitch*
“Ma’am, I have bills to pay now. I can’t be waiting three weeks. Is there a way to expedite this process?” “I’m sorry, there isn’t.”
*Jimjamesak proceeds to be very PO’d at his company (more so than usual)*
2. It also fits into the “we’ve created this small, understaffed department (that’s likely outsourced) to handle this because a) management is too busy micromanaging the operations to actually perform management tasks and b) our HR departments don’t have actual HR people because that’s expensive so we’ve stuck bad performing managers there instead and trained them to do basic tasks and outsourced any real HR work.” culture.
Ha, I only go to HR when I need my airport badge renewed.Remember: HR only exists to protect your company from you.
Back in 2019 when I got really sick and was staring down a really dark path, one of the things that came up when talking to my boss was how short term disability works and all of the ****tiness that comes with it.
Basically, start the process before you need it and get the paperwork in order early. Notorious for seriously fucking people really hard. Like, not telling people they were being cut off and letting weeks or months pass without notification. Just awful stuff for people who need it the most.
Suffice it to say, the advice i give to everyone is having a really good understanding of who to contact and where to get the forms. Have someone you can call that knows the stuff.
When I knew I was having my ankle surgery, I did all my due diligence about Short Term Disability months in advance, read all the info, spoke with our Human Resources Support Center. We have to take the first week out as vacation and the the STD would kick in. I got my first paycheck when I was on leave it was incorrect so I called the HRSC and someone there forgot to do something. I had notes upon notes about what was supposed to happen and I still had to follow through on it. Such a pain.
That's great!! When does that start?
I wish my supervisor would decide between "you're working too much" and "I need you to pick up a shift."
But I've learned from coworkers the best thing to do is say no, ignore the texts, ignore the phone calls.
If you are working full time but are being treated as being part time, that's a MASSIVE problem. If they want you as a full time worker, you MUST be treated as a full time employee.
There was recent CNBC article about the current problem, where it's gotten hard to hire people for jobs- but part of the reason is that companies insist that they stick to part-time workers, to the detriment of the company being able to work. The point is that many of these massive companies have seen big profits due to the decrease of full time employees and their required benefits.
I need to vent a little about a very petty thing that I'm almost embarrassed to be upset about here on my team. It bothers me that it bothers me, if that make sense.