there's a good buck in that racket.
Not sure what this is, but it sounds like Brooklyn?
st elmo’s fire
Not sure what this is, but it sounds like Brooklyn?
I’m kind of surprised so many people thought this was kind of racist thing. I didn’t get those vibes one bit. If he just wanted to shoot a bunch of Asian people certainly there would be better targets than the ones he chose.
Sherriff says he was just having a bad day.
Yeah, no such thing as 'white privilege'.
Sherriff says he was just having a bad day.
Yeah, no such thing as 'white privilege'.
Sure. But those places 'tempt' him, and his invisible sky lord says those feelings are bad, so he had to remove the temptation.
Was said to be headed to Florida to take out some sort of pron business too. Can't have those companies offering him that deviant **** on his 'puter. Must be made to pay.
I will just say again...there is no way this was about sex.
it's plausible.
If the guy was killing people just because they were Asian, it seems like he would say so.
Another Mass shooting in Colorado. It was at a grocery store and sounds like multiple victims. It’s so strange they have so many more mass shootings than other places. It can’t be a complete coincidence.
Still can't talk about gun control...not the right time.
He's just a mentally ill lone wolf too, doncha know?
Still can't talk about gun control...not the right time.
Another Mass shooting in Colorado. It was at a grocery store and sounds like multiple victims. It’s so strange they have so many more mass shootings than other places. It can’t be a complete coincidence.