I'm not going to bother back reading. But we all knew the shooter was white (because duh) when they said he was apprehended alive.
You're being awful hard on a guy who just had a bad day.
Now is the time to put up or shut up, boys. House, Senate, POTUS. You've been waiting for the chance to solve this problem, so solve it. Pass the legislation you've been demanding. Furthermore, pass legislation that actually addresses the problem, not some crap that has no impact like the assault rifle ban just so you can have your picture taken patting yourself on the back.
You're being awful hard on a guy who just had a bad day.
With a shooter by the name of Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, this is going to be branded as terrorism and will be used as a reason to justify easy access to guns by the righties.
“When he was having lunch with my sister in a restaurant, he said, ‘People are in the parking lot, they are looking for me,’” the brother, Ali Aliwi Alissa, 34, said. “She went out, and there was no one. We didn’t know what was going on in his head.”
This is a RWNJ tactic: you have all 3 branches so either you do everything you want or you are pretending.
It willfully ignores the political reality that the Democrats are heterogeneous. It's deliberate.
Do not engage with trolls. They are not posting in good faith.
Oh, ffs, you guys are so lame. You could hold the White House, a hundred seats in the Senate and 435 in the House and you'd still find some excuse to not do what you always claim you'd do "if we just had the power." At that point you'd probably claim you aren't going to do it because you're afraid the SCOTUS would strike it down.
You wanted the power, use it. Don't give me this Manchin or filibuster crap.
Well, the suspect was named and it certainly isn't a white boy name, but there were the videos of the one shirtless dude being hauled out, bleeding, in cuffs last night.
Not that white folks aren't prone to radicalization (Trump says hello), but the name is very much not a traditional American name.
This is going to be just like the Virginia Beach shooting.
Oh, ffs, you guys are so lame. You could hold the White House, a hundred seats in the Senate and 435 in the House and you'd still find some excuse to not do what you always claim you'd do "if we just had the power." At that point you'd probably claim you aren't going to do it because you're afraid the SCOTUS would strike it down.
You wanted the power, use it. Don't give me this Manchin or filibuster crap.
Is the NRA still even a thing now that they have been exposed as a Russian cutout?
Again, bless your little heart.
Oh, ffs, you guys are so lame. You could hold the White House, a hundred seats in the Senate and 435 in the House and you'd still find some excuse to not do what you always claim you'd do "if we just had the power." At that point you'd probably claim you aren't going to do it because you're afraid the SCOTUS would strike it down.
You wanted the power, use it. Don't give me this Manchin or filibuster crap.
Aren’t you the poster people on here “accuse” of being a second amendment defender? If so, and you’re open to gun control legislation, maybe we’re turning a corner. I mean, Susan Collins has to be on board with some kind of gun control, right? Or is that B+ rating from the NRA indicate otherwise? I suppose I won’t hold my breath.
I thought that was part of the appeal?